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 The Mitsubishi Electric Group formulated a human rights policy in 2017 and is promoting initiatives to respect human rights based on international norms.

 We revised our human rights policy in August 2024, based on our belief that it is necessary to continuously review our human rights policy and promote appropriate initiatives for respect for human rights in view of changes in the social environment relating to human rights.

 In crafting the 2024 revision, we considered external opinions and suggestions, including a review with the knowledge of an external human rights expert (BSR) and those obtained through a high level third-party discussion about the updated policy with human rights experts from Japan (Mori Hamada & Matsumoto) and overseas (Pillar Two) during the expert guidance session facilitated by the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) .

 This policy clearly states that Mitsubishi Electric Group respects the human rights of not only Group employees including our company and supply chain employees, but also customers, consumers and local communities. For example, human rights considerations for local communities include respect for local rights concerning land, water, and resources, prohibition of land theft from local residents and indigenous people and illegal evictions, and control of changes that may damage the foundation of nature and harm people, such as soil and water pollution. These efforts to respect human rights will be made effective through dialogues.

 In accordance with this policy, the Mitsubishi Electric Group respects the human rights of all those involved in our business activities, requires the entire supply chain to comply with this policy and contributes to the realization of a society where all people are respected.

* Mitsubishi Electric Group Human Rights Policy(PDF:795KB)

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